☑ I hereby confirm that I will not take any photos or videos of the booked “Karnataka pilgrimage 2022” for the purpose of public use or public publication on all common online platforms, such as YouTube, Telegram, Instagram Facebook etc. A purely private photo – or video recording, without the recording of other pilgrims for private use is allowed.
☑ If I enter my spiritual name, I am aware that this is an information relating to my religious and/or philosophical beliefs pursuant to Art. 9 (1) GDPR. I expressly agree that Bhakti Event GmbH and Bhakti Bharat can use my spiritual name for the purpose of contact me and use in the promotional video and publishing on the Bhakti Marga and Bhakti Bharat website or in (print) publications of Bhakti Marga, on the Facebook page of Bhakti Marga and Bhakti Bharat or/and on the Instagram page of Bhakti Marga and Bhakti Bharat (content may be used and stored for this purpose). I know that I can refuse to grant consent or can withdraw either of them at any time with future effect. I can exercise my withdrawal rights vis-a-vis Bhakti Event GmbH via the following email or Bhakti Bharat via the following email In that sense Bhakti Event GmbH and Bhakti Bharat are joining controllers according to Art. 26 GDPR. For more information, please see the Privacy Policy of Bhakti Event GmbH and the Privacy Policy of Bhakti Bharat.
☑ You can voluntarily join a telegram channel (to follow updates during the event). For more information, please read the Telegram Privacy Policy.
☑ I agree that during the pilgrimage “Karnataka pilgrimage 2022” organised by Bhakti Bharat 383 Sheetal Chhaya Raman Reti, Vrindavan 281121 Uttar Pradesh, India, pictures and/or videos of me as a participant may be taken by Bhakti Event GmbH for the purpose of providing a Virtual Pilgrimage and broadcast live on the Bhakti Marga website. This will make the data of religious or ideological conviction recognisable. Responsible for the virtual pilgrimage is Bhakti Event GmbH, Am Geißberg 4, 65321 Heidenrod Springen, Germany Tel: 06124-605-9000, Email: For more information, please see the Privacy Policy of Bhakti Event GmbH.
☑ I agree that during the “Karnataka pilgrimage 2022” organised by Bhakti Bharat 383 Sheetal Chhaya Raman Reti, Vrindavan 281121 Uttar Pradesh, India, pictures and or videos of me as a participant may be taken for the purpose of commercial use and will be published on the Bhakti Marga website and Bhakti Bharat website or in print publications of Bhakti Marga, on the Facebook page of Bhakti Marga website and Bhakti Bharat, on the Instagram page of Bhakti Marga and Bhakti Bharat, on the YouTube channel of Bhakti Marga (content may be used and saved for this purpose). This will make the data of religious or ideological conviction recognisable. I know that I can refuse to grant consent or can withdrawal either of them at any time with future effect. I can exercise my withdrawal rights vis-a-vis Bhakti Event GmbH via the following email or Bhakti Bharat via the following email Bhakti Event GmbH and Bhakti Bharat are joining controllers according to Art. 26 GDPR. For more information, please see the Privacy Policy of Bhakti Event GmbH and the Privacy Policy of Bhakti Bharat.